dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008


Friendship is an in-depth relationship combining trust , support , communication , loyalty , understanding , em pathy , and intimacy . Being able to trust and relax with friend is a big part of friendship . Building friendships takes time . Friendships require for example , talking and listening .
When a friend talks and reveals ideas or feelings , he/she is expecting shared information in return . Friends are equal . Without equality , you can't have a close friendship . Friends have to have similar values .
But we have to put limits to our friends or friendships . Many people find them selves caught up in other's problems , then feel confused about how and when to help . All relationships need limits .
A friend is really who is in your whenever you need , you passed . You can trust with him or her and know that she/he will protect you .
Sometimes we think that our friends really have but not him , because but a head you notice that not him . Because in a correct moment lets you outline is for the one that she / he is .
I think that best friends listening to friends is essential to build friends listening to friends is an important step in building a closer relationships friends are equal , friends reveal they feelings .
I'd like to end with a Aristotle idea ; "What is a friend ¿? A single soul dueling in tow bodies" .

2 comentaris:

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Very nice presentation, Belinda, I like the colours, but I cannot mark your blog...it's not yours !!
You have only copied the three posts from the Internet ...that's cheating !!!
Come on you can do it better !!
Write shorter texts with your own words !!

~Sandra~ ha dit...

I love you title!! It is very nice and perfect for you my little star!!!! ;P
I am sad because soon you leave the high school and then finish the 4 years that we stay in the same class!! =(

Kisses honey